"Suddenly it was just me and Hamlet, alone in the early dawn. I felt what Hamlet must have been thinking: Was it all a dream? Am I losing my mind?"
Events: The Future of the Performing Arts
A conversation hosted by Lincoln Center and Hearst that reimagines the possibilities of the concert hall experience with Soledad O'Brien and guests from National Sawdust, SoundBox, and Hamlet VR
Development Diary nineteen: Fresh Perspectives of Mixed Reality and Performance.
Javier Molina and David Gochfeld have made a contribution to IETM.org in its publication Fresh Perspectives/6.
Mixed Reality and Theater of the Future is written by Joris Weijdom, a researcher from HKU University of the Arts, and its focused on innovative processes for contemporary performance.
Read about the timeline and the process to create "To Be With Hamlet," the motivations behind the project and the results of a innovative approach to theater.