Development Diary Sixteen: Teleporting the Prince

This week, our team received a great deal of attention from the press and revealed a new feature!  

The past few weeks, our team has been working on a new teleportation feature which would allow our participants to teleport around Castle Elsinore so that they can see the Prince and the Ghost from new angles quickly. This feature will now be in all of our exhibits of the production!

The press had a lot to say about the Prince this week!

Group Photo Courtesy of NYU Tandon (Camila Ryder)

Group Photo Courtesy of NYU Tandon (Camila Ryder)

NYU's Tandon School of Engineering wrote an article on To Be With Hamlet which detailed our production's technical breakthroughs and challenges, including our effort to track the faces of our actors during the performance in the same way that we track their bodies. 

You can read the full article from Tandon's Camila Ryder here.

Recently, NYU Shanghai's "Innovative Scholarhship" blog posted, "To Be or Not Be: Staging Hamlet in Virtual Reality," a short interview with Christian Grewell, the creative lead of our M3diate VR platform. 

You can read NYU Shanghai's full article here.

Two weeks ago, our team exhibited To Be With Hamlet at the New York City Media Lab's Exploring Future Reality conference. During that conference, Javier Molina, our producer, gave a six-minute pitch for the project. You can hear it by clicking on our audio player below. Stay tuned for more videos and pictures from that conference! 

FuturePerfectMachine, a San Francisco based VR and geospatial technology blog, wrote an article about the Prince as well.

You can read FuturePerfectMachine's article here.


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